What is Suboxone?
Suboxone is a highly effective medication administered to treat these addictions, in conjunction with counseling. Suboxone prevents withdrawal symptoms and suppresses cravings for narcotics. Suboxone is also known a buprenorphine/naloxone, Zubsolv and Bunavil. Regional Health Providers has developed a successful treatment plan, comprising the following stages:
Suboxone Treatment
Evaluation & Induction
- Week 1: The first visit is 45 minutes long and includes a physical examination, blood and urine tests, and a review of your history of narcotic dependence. We provide detailed guidance into your home induction of Suboxone therapy. We encourage you to keep a record of your physical and emotional condition during the initial week and to be in touch with us by phone or email with questions, concerns or unusual reactions you may experience during that time.
- Week 2: You return 7 days later for a reevaluation of your symptoms, cravings, and any side effects you may be experiencing. We discuss your quality of sleep, mood and functioning during the first week. We address each problem and help to resolve it, and we adjust the Suboxone dosage accordingly.
- Week 3-4: We work together to fine-tune the initial Suboxone therapy and explore in greater depth the psychosocial issues surrounding your addiction. We address the aspects of your life that may have been affected by your substance use, such as work, finances, relationships, health and legal concerns.
While Suboxone is designed to treat the physical symptoms of addiction, we have found that it is only in combination with counseling and supportive therapy that you can develop the coping skills and healthy leisure activities necessary to overcome the addiction. The duration of this stage varies depending on the severity and length of your addiction; the quality of your support system and environment; and your motivation and commitment to counseling.
The majority of our patients let us know when they are ready to begin tapering off their Suboxone treatment. We guide them through a gentle process that should be as painless as possible. We always individualize our Suboxone treatment and tailor it to each of our patient’s needs.